I was watching TV when a commercial came on advertising a dating website. This one raised my eyebrows because it was a dating site exclusively for black people. Can you imagine if there was an advertisment for a exclusive dating site for white people? It would be controversial and labeled as racist! How is this fair? You have BET TV, Ebony magazine and Black Pride Month. Can you imagine if we had WET TV (White Entertainment Television), Ivory magazine or White Pride Month? There would be riots and protests against the racism and prejudice. I don't understand why one race can be open with pride for their background, but another can not.
For minorities who demand equality, it seems hypocritical to form race exclusive groups. I am by no means racist, but in that sense I am against any kind of segregation whether it be white based, black based or Asian based. If you want equality, I think it should be across the board.
I understand that minorities have suffered great tragedies at the hands of ancestors of the Caucasian race. My ancestors also used an outhouse and lived without power. That does not mean I am going to. I think slavery or abuse of any form is horrible. I think segregation of any kind is unfair. I woul dnever judge a person based on color, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age or economic class.
In one of my finer drunken moments as a young single woman in the bar scene, I engaged in a conversation with an African American man who referred to his friend as a "Nigga". I find the word absolutely repulsive, to the point where it is the one word that would make me wash my kids mouth out with soap, so in my drunken honesty, stripped of all inhibition, I asked him why it was okay for two black men to call each other that word, but the minute a white person said it all hell breaks loose. He explained to me it was the way white people say it. That we say "Nigger" while they say "Nigga". Oh yes, I see now how much less insulting it is when you drop the "Er" and add an "A". Despite it being a moment that should have been a fuzzy memory, I have always remembered his response clearly because it made no sense to me. That word is a horrible insult any way you look at it. Apparently even more so, if you are white and you say it.
Affirmative action was created to prevent prejudice when if you ask me, it increases it. Take two people who are equally qualified for a position. One person is a Hispanic, one person is white. They both have the credentials needed, they both have glowing references but in the end the company hires the Hispanic in order to fill it's affirmative action requirements. Isn't that prejudice to the equally qualified white person?
Bottom line is prejudice is colorblind. It's a shame society isn't.
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